Friday, November 27, 2015

Think of it as Pure Joy!

     Considering the time of year it would seem thankfulness would be quite appropriate.  Every year people posting every day in November their thanks to this or that.  I have done this in years past and did opt out this year.  Not for a lack of thankfulness by any means.  Part of me this year felt it was a little cliche' I guess you could say.  Every year in February I am annoyed by Valentines Day.  My reasoning is simple, why is our society encouraging this "love" one day out of the year.  That being said why are we only thankful in November?
     Seems a lot of people like to feel sorry for themselves now.  Seems a lot of people want to dwell on the past.  Even seems a lot of people holding onto a lot of old grudges.  This baggage just weighs us down, it consumes us.  Recently one of my kids were coming to meet me.  She got in the car frustrated because she had been listening to an individual for a good hour or longer talking about the same thing they had been focused on for years.  All she said was "mom seriously when is so in so going to let this go and see what he has and stop dwelling on the past."  The unfortunate part is this person would not see what they are doing, likely even justify it.  There was a time I sat at home all day with very little adult interaction, had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring and I honestly felt very sorry for myself.  I was depressed and miserable and could not see any light at the time.
     If there is one thing I have learned over many years now it is everything is a choice.  Not feeling sorry for yourself is a choice.  Bad things happen to everyone, I promise they really do, but how we choose to handle ourselves is what defines us.  I wish everyone could work one day with people who are sick, mentally troubled and or dying (those who cannot control what is going on with themselves).  One day would transform anyone.  As I have stated in other writings this is what changed me.  That time was Gods gift to open my eyes or shall I say His suck it up little girl awakening.  Watching people battle real life problems, real sickness and the very real emotions of death changes everything about how you see the world and yourself.  Point being is some people cannot help what is wrong with them and then there are people who can, but choose to not focus on the good.  I know, I was one of them.
     Being thankful is about focusing on all the blessing in our life.  It is a choice to rise above our circumstances and head first take on one objection after another with the Almighty Hand.  This was a hard thing for me to grasp.  I am natural born worrier for sure.  Handing things over and focusing on the positive has taken a long time to get better at.  John 14:1 "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me."   See, we are told not to have troubled hearts so why do we?  
     Last year about this time I guess you could say was quite rough and I learned a valuable lesson.  To make a long story short I found a lump, it was quite large.  I went to doctor just to be on the safe side and even laughed telling him I knew I just needed to lay off the coffee.  He teased me a little then told me to let him decide even though I was probably right.  My doctor could see it without searching for it and he said he had to drain the fluid from it.  No big deal he said.  He stuck the needle in then he made a face, turned the needle and tried again.  I knew something was up because I could see it in his face.  The nurse left, I sat up and he sat down and proceeded to tell me I had to get a mammogram and that it should have drained.  He said I am not telling you it is cancer, but we have to get test to make sure.  The really bad news was that I had to wait two weeks to do the test since I had just had the needle inside.  He stood up to leave and put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze.  He has probably experienced that moment hundreds of times, but I had not and I can honestly say that moment will probably never leave my mind.  When I was fourteen this same doctor found a very large cyst that required a major operation to remove.  I never saw that look from him then, my mom probably did, but to be honest with you I was not really even sure how serious it was back then.  It was all I could do to make it to my car without falling apart.  Two weeks!  I had to wait two weeks to find out news that could potentially change my life.  I had no idea how I was going to survive those two weeks.  That day was my daughters birthday and I had a big dinner to go to that night, how was I going to keep it together.  The next few days were tough.  Two days after I was reading the scripture and I came across this.  James 1:2-4  "My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble.  When you do, think of it as pure joy.  Your faith will be put to the test.  You know that when that happens it will produce in you the strength to continue.  The strength to keep going must be allowed to finish its work.  Then you will be all you should be.  You will have everything you need."  When I read the part that said think of it as pure joy I let out a sarcastic laugh, then fortunately kept reading.  I realized this sucks and now I have to be strong through this!  Okay I said God everything seems so small now, all the dumb things I worry about, all the stresses I feel, all the bills I have to pay....all so insignificant.  The next day on that Friday morning I woke up crying and all I could think about was if I had to tell my kids I had cancer.  I reached for my phone, had not even put my feet on the floor yet.  My scripture that morning was this.  Jeremiah 29:11-13 "I know the plans I have for you," announces the Lord. " I want you to enjoy success.  I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.  Then you will call out to me.  You will come and pray to me.  And I will listen to you.  When you look for me with all your heart you will find me."  In two days God spoke to me so clearly.  While I had come so far with worry I had not totally learned to turn things over.  I realized no matter what God had a plan for me and if I let that situation defeat me before I even knew anything then I could not be productive for Him.  My heart became so thankful for everything all of the sudden.  All the little things were gone and everything I loved was so incredibly big.  How could anything else matter than that!  My heart was so full, so grateful and so very much at peace.  God's grace was with me and I am so thankful every single day.  
     All I can say is do not let the little things defeat you and allow God's grace to embrace you!  Just look around trust me you have so much more to be thankful for than you can possibly realize.  Who could ask for anything more.  Thank you Jesus, thank you so much for every trial, every smile and thank you for Your ultimate sacrifice to give us eternal life!  Amen.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Expandable Walls

     Okay so this is a topic that may not apply to everyone.  It is something I am quite passionate about.  As Christians it seems as if our boundaries always have limits.  Many have or do at this time put their good face on for church and the activities that may involve.
     I have reflected many times on the life I had in the past.  When I became a new Christian I was anxious and ready to talk to anyone and everyone.  Pretty much like most.  Most do not understand how to come across in a way in which we do not turn others away.  Generally, after some time, if it sticks we throw ourselves into our church where it is safe.  Some people dive a hundred and ten percent into everything they do in their church.  When my kids were little my ex was a Sunday school teacher of roughly fifty plus adults.  I was in charge of nursery, I led children's church, went to a ladies Bible study, a small group and led a teen girls study.  Also served on a few committees.  Insane I know!
     Why did I do all that!?!  Well, then I would have said I had to.  It was my duty and my responsibility as a church member.  Some may even say it is their calling and for some it may be.  I cannot tell you how many times I or someone else used the excuse that if I did not do it then it will not happen.  Quite frankly this is arrogant!  Another issue is that my motives even though I did not realize at the time were all wrong.  Looking back I believe I needed validation as a person and if I did all these things then people would notice me.  My validation was based on people and their views.
     What really transpired during this time was I did all those things and yes might have had some attention in the process, but my spiritual growth was zilch.  There were likely some good things that happened in that time and hopefully a seed was planted with someone.  Truth is I doubt it.  I thought I was doing all those things with the right intent, but I was not.  
     Another problem is when people do to much in their church they often reach a point of burn out.  After a while they are exhausted, drained and resentment sets in.  They could also be taking away another persons opportunity to step up to the plate.  Some churches have expectations of asking anyone and everyone to do this or that.  Many years ago I visited a church that had a great philosophy on this.  No one could serve until after a year and then their gifts were evaluated.  When the time was right and they were ready they served where their gift was.  I so love this concept!  That churches focus was growing their new believers and having them focus on their relationship with God.
     Okay now going back to the years of burn out.  After all that time, work and running to "serve" others we failed ourselves and we failed out children.  We spoke of what to do and how to do it, then we went home and well let's just say nothing.  No spiritual growth, no Godly relationships.  Our kids just saw us going through the motions and not backing up what we talked.  As I write this I feel a failure, I feel a disgust and a complete sadness.  
     The Bible teaches us to serve and to serve with joy.  Mark 16: 15 says  "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."  It does not say go into your church and serve there and there alone.  Go unto the world!  Now do not get me wrong I am not saying do not serve in your church, but expand those walls to everyone.  We all have a spiritual gift so find it and use it.  To be honest with you I could not or shall I say should not do some things others have the gift of doing. 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.  To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  For to one is given through the Spirit of utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit.
     There was a time I was one of those people when someone needed prayer and I said the words "I will pray for you," then forgot in no time and never did it.  About seven years ago around this time of year I found myself in lets just say the depths of despair.  Incredibly sad from the lose of a loved one and no where to turn...except to God.  It had been a rough time leading up to this anyway, but my grandmothers death was the last straw.  I remember being so devastated I could barely handle it and literally within a week of her death I was in an argument with someone who knew exactly how to hurt me.  I am not sure I will ever forget those words he said.  " You are only upset because you have no one and no one cares about you!"  Oh man those words cut like a knife.  At that time though I had no one (other than my kids) that were meaningful.  It was during this time I had to turn to God, humbly and painfully.  He was all I really had that could understand my pain.  So I talked to Him more and more.  While I will always feel the lose of her death, it was during this time He taught me to rely on Him and Him alone.  My prayers turned from myself and onto others.  Before I knew it I would pray walking down the hallway at work for anyone I saw who looked burdened.  I prayed for every old lady who wanted me to hold their hand and pray with them.  I prayed for those who never knew it.  Today, as crazy as this sounds I use Facebook as a prayer zone.  Every need, every sorrow and every death....I stop and pray.  That is my gift now and I love to do it for people.  Prayer does not have boundaries, it can go with you anywhere.
     1 Timothy 3:1-7 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.  (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)  He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgement as the devil.  He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. 
     Wow that is quite the verse!  Can anyone live up to that?  That is a tall list of requirements to serve.  Some of these are easy for many.  I struggle with my own issues like all of us.  John 13:13-17 says it best, "You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.  For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.  Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.  If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.
     Okay so He is our example and we are to be Christ like in all we do.  Today I watched a wonderful video about a man who was drunk in a bar on a Saturday night and the next morning he realized he needed a change so he went to church.  He did not walk out feeling renewed, but walked out with no one speaking to him or reaching out or anything.  He went from a bar stool one night, to a pew the next morning and after leaving felt more love and acceptance from the bar.  In the book of Mark and Luke there are several examples of Jesus with sinners.  He did not limit forgiveness to those who believed in Him, He did not limit the ability to love, His walls went past the already believers and the church.  
     Doing what you are actually called to do rather than going through the motions is far more powerful than igniting a fire behind your tail that gets burned out quickly.   Feed the hungry, talk to those that feel lost, be real about who you are.  Reach out to everyone not just those in the church.  I am not saying not to serve in your church, but remember Jesus reached out to all people.  There is no limit on ministry!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Second Set of Hands

    No one warned me before having my kids.  It was all CONGRATULATIONS and YAY!  Everyone talks about how sweet the babies are and what a blessing they bring to us.  They fail to mention how those little blessings cry all the time, how they poop all over us and lets face it sleep is rare.
     It is more than safe to say I had no idea what I was doing.  I was a stay at home mom so my job was solely to be their mom.  It was not as simple as feeding them, bathing them and making sure they were safe.  It was teaching them please and thank you.  It was being consistent when you said no.  It was putting out every fire when things did not go their way.  
     About a week or so ago my daughter came over with her new baby, my second grandson.  She decided she would drop my kids off at VBS while I stayed and snuggled the baby.  How sweet he was sleeping in my arms.  All of the sudden my arm and hands became warm and wet.  He started squirming and then of course woke up crying.  Grandma to the rescue!  Simple right?  Yeah well if you all remember new born babies and how fun the process of changing them is.  Turned into stripping of all clothes, carrying his naked body to the sink and attempting to give him a quick bath.  As you can imagine with a boy I was just hoping he would not hose down the kitchen while I was getting the water warm.  I really needed a second pair of hands, even if they were a four year olds hands, anything at this point would have been helpful.  Needless to say baby Jack was not having it, which seemed to rush things.  Lathered him all up, rinsed him off and bundled him in towel and held him close so he would feel at ease.  Awh so precious he was.  I finally sit down on the couch, he is bundled up safe in my arms and so so sweet.  My hand was under his bottom and I was getting ready to lay him down to put a diaper on when all of the sudden this loud vibration filled my hand and what felt like a squishy mess.  All I could say was " Lord have mercy on me!"  Well quickly back up for another quick bath to the lower half with yes you guessed it a very unhappy little boy again.  Finally done and this time with a lot more hustle to get that diaper on.  It was a crazy fifteen minutes, between his two messes and now me who needed to change as well.
     I remember those days and those crazy moments.  Although when they are yours and you are with them all day you might have a dozen moments of panic like that all day.  One minute you are gazing in this beautiful humans eyes and feeling complete awh and the next it looks like their head is about to spiral out of control.  
     Moms have their pride and joy in their kids.  Their whole lives are wrapped up in their children.  We fooled ourselves early on by thinking we have to be perfect and our kids will never do this or that.  I always love hearing moms say how wonderful it is being a mom and what a blessing they are while they are all perfectly put together on the outside.  Lets face it though we know their inside is a crazy mess like the rest of us.  Guess what ladies, it is okay to not be perfect.  My kids were always very polite and well mannered around people.  I was so proud with the many compliments.  That was a reflection of me doing my job.  There were countless compliments of them, still are.  As you know though kids are not always the same perfect creatures at home.  This inner being comes out once you walk through your door and it is a whole other story!  
     We put up a facade that we have it all together and how many times do we cry because everything feels so out of control.  There is no way we can tell anyone or be real about how incredibly hard it is.  A second set of hands is all we need and we can just fold all the laundry, wash the dishes and at the same time quiet the beastly angels we love so much.  There is always that one mom we see whose kids look perfect, her house is spotless and she just seems to have it all together.  Gag!  Those moms made me cringe with everything so perfect!  
     Kids get older and many things get easier.  Their lives change and then so does ours with different struggles.  Yet our image is still trying to keep up the appearance of having it all together.  We still cry in the bathroom because we do not want them to see or we still snap because we have felt our failure come out.  
     My oldest daughter was fifteen when she became pregnant.  She went to church every Sunday and two different youth groups.  She hung around with good kids and kids who spent the same amount of time in church.  We had every serious conversation you can imagine from religion, friends, pressures teens face.  I was not naive by any means just hopeful all I had tried to enforce would stick.  The news of her pregnancy was so very upsetting.  I felt a failure in myself, a disappointment and I felt so much fear.  How did this happen? I was trying to do everything right.  Of course I did not do everything right because none of us do.  It took a long many months to get my head in check.  It was several months in to her pregnancy my oldest two and her friend telling me what high school was really like.  Hearing stories of what would be perceived good kids doing the same thing as everyone else.  Only difference was mine got caught and other parents were living in LaLa land saying, " No I talked to my kids and they said they wanted to wait,"  Ahhh yeah well my kid said that too!  The failure I had felt as a parent during that time, made me reflect on my own teen years.   I realized you can be close to your kids, but there are more than likely some things they just will not share with you.  Mostly guilt or conviction on their part and not wanting to let you down.  Yes I remember feeling that way.  It was then I realized I was not a failure, I was normal.
     In the midst of all the chaos during that time she had a friend whom at the time was very close to all of us in the family.  She confided in me, she vented and she could be real.  Many times she complained of her own mother and pointing out her constant hypocrisy.  One day this young lady was yet again venting and proceeded to tell us that her mother blamed divorce on my daughters pregnancy.  Low and behold it was my fault she got pregnant!  Sorry, but the humor of that gets me every time.  I can say this, I was not that offended because one the source and two the ignorance.  For starters this comment  (that has managed to be told to me many times over the years because of this individual) is asinine considering this very person had her own children out of wedlock and her own daughter was doing the exact same thing.  Don't get me wrong I realize divorce does things to kids, but if you were to speak to my daughter today she would say it was the pressure of being a teen girl and wanting a boys approval.  Regardless moms if I can get one thing through your heads it would be this....DO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE MOMS!  Why is this so important?  We must realize we are imperfect and our kids will be too no matter how naive we may be.  Teach your kids about failure and then teach them how to learn from it.  Teach them they do not have to hide out and cry alone because of a bad choice.  This is life, an imperfect profound life that we can learn from.  Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short the glory of God."  This one simple verse says it all!  Ladies, moms and grandmas we do not have to hide behind a mask of perfection.  It is okay, we are not alone in any struggle, any trial and any imperfections whether it be of us or our kids.  Be real with your kids, allow them to see your imperfections, talk to them and then learn to be humble.
     At the end of the day our kids are our beautiful miracles.  We love them unconditionally.  Our lives may be filled with chaos and stress and we may want to have a nervous breakdown.  It does get easier.  Some of the best advice I ever got as a young mother of young children was this, when we feel overwhelmed and are not feeling the joy, just say get on back Satan, nothing going to steal my joy.  Stop, breath and realize you are not alone.  Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Say these things over and over again if you need to, believe me it helps.  When we feel alone and need that second set of hands to help us through, realize we are in God's hands so that is even better!

Psalm 138:3  "In the day when I cried out, You answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul."

Monday, June 15, 2015

To Be Destroyed....Or Not!

     Generally I do not start with a scripture, but this would not be the same if I did not start with how this thought happened.  In the process of reading Proverbs, which I love by the way, I came across a verse that made me chuckle.
     Proverbs 13:3 Anyone who guards what he says guards his life. But anyone who speaks without thinking will be destroyed.  Solid words of wisdom yet what hit me as funny was how many times do we or I want to destroy someone who does not think?  I apologize if my sense of humor is misunderstood.  Like many of you we are exposed to so many types of people and to put it nicely some of those people are not the smartest of individuals.  We all face those moments when we can choose to lash out or we can choose to hold our tongues.  
     Lets face it this would be way to long if I broke down the nature of different personalities so I will throw myself on the chopping block to explain where I am coming from.  After years of being the type who never spoke up and honestly was quite miserable in the process I had to learn to find a voice.  While discovering this boldness that was buried underneath all the yuck it occurred to me there has to be a balance.  One thing I was always good at was observing people and on many levels I admired the bold in others.  Although as we all know men generally come across like jerks and women well we all know how they come across.  Being bold does not always mean they think so this is where there has to be a balance.
     It is safe to say I do not have a problem speaking up now, however knowing when and how to are key to not being destroyed as the scripture puts it.  James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, pay attention to what I say.  Everyone should be quick to listen.  But they should be slow to speak.  They should be slow to get angry. 
     If only I could master this scripture to the fullest!  With most I have no problem listening and then processing how I want to reply that would be the most productive.  Then there are those certain people that automatically ignite this irrational anger in us so we let all this fly out the window.  
     Since I am throwing myself under I shall give two example of this from my own personal experience.  Recently, I had a phone call that started with irrational lashing out.  For about two seconds I tried to remain calm, even asked if he would like to hear the whole story and not just the one side.  His lack of thinking perpetuated this fire that made me want to destroy him.  Yeah yeah I know that is not what the scripture was meaning for us to be doing the destroying.  Okay I must confess my actual thought was "you are an idiot and you are pissing me off'," not very productive I know.  Needless to say this lack of thinking on one persons part led to me not thinking on mine.  See how important it is for everyone to think before they speak?  That evening I was fuming, by next day I was like okay whatever he is ridiculous so I am not losing sleep over it.  What have I learned?  Hmmm do not answer your phone from irrational people because they make me irrational?  Ummm well maybe more like this, if this were to happen again most importantly control how I react.  I cannot control the lunacy and lack of thinking of idiots oh I mean some people, but we can control how we respond. 
     My next example which I handled much better for the exception of that fume remaining on a leash and not escaping my mouth that time.  No need for a lot of details, but to sum it up an individual, another male in fact who has a regular problem of never thinking before he speaks.  To be as nice as possible this individuals words never carry any weight with anyone.  Sad to say, but there are a lot of those out there and they do not even see it.  In this situation he attempted to throw someone else under the bus when everyone else knew it was his issue, his lack of follow through and his laziness that was the true issue.  To be honest, he made a passive aggressive comment to make himself feel better.  For what ever reason it seriously rubbed me the wrong way.  Generally I can nod and act like things are no big deal because my philosophy with certain types is you cannot rationalize with some people, ever.  I can honestly tell you I was boiling over and felt like my skin was on fire.  Inside I was screaming "That's it!  You are crazy!  Shut your pie hole! etc etc"  I generally try to avoid people that bring this out in me, it is safer for everyone that way.  Unfortunately I was not so lucky this particular day.  Miraculously somehow I managed to bite my lip, literally and it hurt!  I knew nothing productive would come out of me reacting so I zipped it shut and saved probably several lives in the process.  Score one for me!  
     Well we all have our issues and we all have those moments we have to resist the tongue.  We also have those moments our tempers may get the better of us.  Growth is about learning from those times.  When faced with a person who is always so quick with their words generally speaking those people shut others down.  Facebook is a perfect example of this.  People always say did you see so in so's post or this or that.  Ahhh no because all the short tempers, drama queens and completely non productive negativity has turned myself and others in the tunnel of avoidance.  Like I said, we cannot change others, but we can control our reactions.  What we can do for others is be real.  Yes we will fall flat on our faces in failure at times, but if we are real and not arrogant about it that goes much farther than a big show to keep up appearances.  Keep your heart in check, I know I joke about idiots and whatnot, but here is the thing in all things we have no idea what is going on with others so do not be to harsh.  Most importantly pray!  What else is more peaceful.  
Colossians 2:2-3
My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 

3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

All the Many Voices

     When I was a kid I remember always being told to listen.  Everywhere kids go they are told to listen, listen and listen.  Problem is we are trained to listen but unfortunately we listen to everything growing up.
     Something generally happens that changes that for us.  Unfortunately it is generally a negative.  I remember being junior high age and a girl started a rumor about me.  It was heartbreaking at that age.  I could not understand how someone could just make something up and everyone just jumped on their bandwagon.  As a female I can promise you that may have been the first time, but it was not the last time it happened to me.  Like so many you learn once you are on that end of things that maybe everything you hear is not true about others as well.  In fact you learn who the people are who like to be knee deep in such rumors or lies.  
     For many years of my young adult years I needed words to make me feel loved.  I needed to hear I was a good person, a good mom and a good christian.  However, those voices were just saying what I wanted to hear.  They were just going through the motions of saying words, empty words.  Deep down I knew I was a good person with a big heart and yes I knew I was a good mom.  Not perfect mind you, but my kids were my everything and my first priority.  Being a good christian though?  Yes I wanted to hear that I was because I did a dozen to many things in the church.  I was going through the motions and my actons were as empty as the words about being a good christian.  
     The interesting thing is back then I needed to hear all these good things, but I said all the worst things about myself.  The voices in my head said, you are unworthy, you are not good enough and you will never be anything to anyone.  I believed that.  I talked myself into that early on.  Now when it comes down to it, the root of all of that is satan.  Satan had been telling me every negative thing about myself as long as I can remember.  He convinced me I was unworthy, unloved and never good enough.  I listened to him and gave him way to much power over me for to long.  Even after I thought I was a christian
     After becoming a christian I heard all the talk about God, I talked the talk of God, but I did not understand the voice of God.  My mind wanted to wrap around it all, but I did not know how to make it click.  If you remember from "Sitting In Silence" it was the saddest and loneliest moments that finally made me actually hear Him.  Prayer was the key to me hearing His voice.  Not the traditional say the same words over and over again so your voice is going through the motions but the conversation with God that was life changing.  My words were sincere and at that point I could finally hear God speak to me.  
     Sometimes we can hear God's voice through other people.  God will speak to us through many ways.  I have had so many times through His word.  Some people doubt actually hearing Him though.  One of the first times I actually heard Him was amazing.  Like many times I was driving down the road and talking to Him.  I was discussing a particular issue and said out loud, " But would if I do this and it doesn't go anywhere for me?"  Clear as day immediately I heard this, " It is not about you, it is about doing this for Me."  Wow I can tell you that got my attention.  Most of the time now he speaks to me about people.  He will put someone on my heart to pray for.  Let me give you some great advice though.  I hear God so much better when I focus on Him.  There is a song by Mercy Me called Word of God Speak.  Word of God Speak, Would you Pour Down Like Rain, Washing my eyes to See.  This song sums it up perfectly, His word pours on us to wipe our eyes so we can see more clearly.  Another song reference is, I once was blind but now I see.  Hearing his voice opens not only our eyes but our hearts as well.
      There is a battle going on.  Satan convinces people all the negative, all doubt and fear.  Our negative feelings are not from God, they do not glorify God in any way.  We will all have our moments when the wrong thoughts enter our mind, sometimes change our attitude even.  It is those times having a conversation with God and getting real is how we change those negatives into positives.  An old friend gave me advice a long time ago.  When I get those negative thoughts and hear satan trying to lie or convince me of something wrong then I just say, " Get on back satan, you have no power here!"  I might say it over and over again.  Satan does not like hearing voices rebuke him.  Do not give him any power over you.  Their is only one voice of truth!

Revelations 3:20  Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If any of you hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in ad eat with you.  And you will eat with me.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fair Weather

     Seeing how it is that time of year and the big game is near lets talk about loyalty.  Obviously I will start with football.  This is one sport I love to watch, whether on tv or live I feel as excited as a little kid going to the fair.  It is full of excitement and never a dull moment.  I will be ,the first to admit I get a little carried away watching my favorite team.
     In 1999 the St. Louis Rams won the Super Bowl against the Tennessee Titans.  Being from Missouri it was a big deal.  All of the sudden football fans, specifically Rams fans came from every direction.  In all honesty I can say this, I am not a Rams fan.  Truthfully I could care less about watching them for the exception if they are playing a team that I without a doubt do not like.  What happened in our area and probably in other areas that this happens is that out of no where everyone was a Rams fan all of the sudden.  So basically because all of a sudden they were winners everyone was backing them up.  What I liked was the quarter back Kurt Warner.  His story is amazing and if you ever need a little inspiration then I would strongly encourage you to look it up.  He is an honorable man and I followed his career until her retired in January of 2010.  
     My grandparents were from Kansas City and so it was easy to cheer for the Chiefs.  When I was late teens I really got into football and my loyalty was always with them.  Over the past twenty plus years I have seen multiple coaches, players and all the ups and downs of this team.  Many years being made fun of for keeping my loyalty there.  In 1993 Joe Montana was traded to the Chiefs.  If you do not know football then I know you know that name.  He is a legend and one of the best players of all time if you ask me.  He pulled a lot of new fans to Kansas City, however when he left I did not lose that loyalty to the Chiefs.  There were many years lets face it the Chiefs were terrible, but I still loved them no matter their success or failures.   Loyal fans of teams or players stick by them, they support them and they love them no matter their mistakes.  Fair Weather fans on the other hand only do that if they are always doing everything perfectly.  Their support wavers, their love comes and goes.
     Okay let me stop boring you with my love of football and convert this to other loyalty issues.  I work in sales so loyalty means a lot to me.  When I started I actually thought I would have loyalty to more people in my area.  Very naive I am sure at first, but did not take long to see that was not going to always happen.  In fact over this time I have lost some respect for people along the way.  I've had people give me every excuse in the book, but come to find out they have done business out of town.  Let me clarify something since I am in sales, I am okay with a no and whatever reason they may have, but not okay with a lie.  In return my loyalty has changed with people I have supported most of my life.  Losing respect is costly.  On the other hand I have people that I have met over the past year or so that believe in me to the fullest.  They are straight forward, honest and value what I do and stand for.  Many are people that I have grown to respect and care about.  Some people have been a work in progress, I have had to keep up with them and their lives, break out my great personality and show them my loyalty and over time I have earned their trust.  That is rewarding, even if it is baby steps, I enjoy that.  I feel like I have accomplished something along the way.
     Years ago when my marriage ended it revealed a lot for me.  I had kept a lot in over my years of marriage, but some of my closest of friends knew about certain things.  I can say this, I did a lot of things wrong and made my fair share of mistakes.  I do not write this to put my ex down in anyway and lift myself up.  When it came to the end the people I had as much loyalty as my ex turned on me.  We at one time had belonged to a church, but had left after many years of being there.  Our core group was there.  My ex always pointed out to me the many times people took me for granted or quick to take advantage of me.  I stood by my loyalty with them for a long time and did not distance myself from some of them.  These were people who were deeply rooted in their church, supposedly deeply rooted to God.  Their ways were not christian like to me at all.  I did not pretend to be the victim, I did not ask for pity.  I struggled a lot with this, people I trusted that turned their back on me.  I realized something monumental in that process.  Their lives and mine at one time were about going through the motions.  I was loyal to the wrong thing.  I was loyal to trying to be the good friend and be everything everyone else wanted me to be.  I was loyal to the idea of keeping up the appearances.  I was loyal to all the wrong things and people.  My attitude towards the church or that church mostly stems from that time period and realizing I had my priorities wrong.  Like I said going through the motions, which is a song that I love to listen to frequently.  It reminds me to not get caught up with people and have my loyalty in the wrong things of life.  To this day I keep many at a distance.  I use to be way overly involved with church and had to be doing twelve things.  Now, while I love my current church deeply and have a love and loyalty there, I keep many walls up.  I love the people in my church, I love their vision and I love so many wonderful people there.  The most important thing though is that my loyalty is to God and His purpose.  I cannot say that about myself all those years ago I filled up every second with doing a dozen things in church.  My heart is serving people in other ways.  God is part of my daily life and I share that with people even if that is by a simple prayer or taking food to a stranger.  I love serving people in that way, but it wasn't until I got all the wrong stuff out of the way and I understood what it meant to have loyalty with God I understood that.
     Fair weather God fans....well we all know what I mean by that.  Why is it people only turn to God when things are wrong?  We actually are all guilty of it at one time or another.  Or what about those that have no use for God when they feel nothing goes their way.  Here is the thing, so many things have not gone my way over many years.  There has been a lot of pain, a lot of sadness and way to many struggles.  Seriously there were times I just wanted to throw up my hands and give up.  That might have been the easier road to take, but not the rewarding one.  However, we were never promised life would be easy or bad would never happen.  We were promised eternal life by simply having our heart and loyalty to our Lord and Savior.  We must put ourselves aside and not be fair weather fans to our Lord.  Even when we fail which we all do God still is there.  We should have the same loyalty....after all eternal life is well worth it.

Mark 8:34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
Matthew 28:20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”