Saturday, April 18, 2015

All the Many Voices

     When I was a kid I remember always being told to listen.  Everywhere kids go they are told to listen, listen and listen.  Problem is we are trained to listen but unfortunately we listen to everything growing up.
     Something generally happens that changes that for us.  Unfortunately it is generally a negative.  I remember being junior high age and a girl started a rumor about me.  It was heartbreaking at that age.  I could not understand how someone could just make something up and everyone just jumped on their bandwagon.  As a female I can promise you that may have been the first time, but it was not the last time it happened to me.  Like so many you learn once you are on that end of things that maybe everything you hear is not true about others as well.  In fact you learn who the people are who like to be knee deep in such rumors or lies.  
     For many years of my young adult years I needed words to make me feel loved.  I needed to hear I was a good person, a good mom and a good christian.  However, those voices were just saying what I wanted to hear.  They were just going through the motions of saying words, empty words.  Deep down I knew I was a good person with a big heart and yes I knew I was a good mom.  Not perfect mind you, but my kids were my everything and my first priority.  Being a good christian though?  Yes I wanted to hear that I was because I did a dozen to many things in the church.  I was going through the motions and my actons were as empty as the words about being a good christian.  
     The interesting thing is back then I needed to hear all these good things, but I said all the worst things about myself.  The voices in my head said, you are unworthy, you are not good enough and you will never be anything to anyone.  I believed that.  I talked myself into that early on.  Now when it comes down to it, the root of all of that is satan.  Satan had been telling me every negative thing about myself as long as I can remember.  He convinced me I was unworthy, unloved and never good enough.  I listened to him and gave him way to much power over me for to long.  Even after I thought I was a christian
     After becoming a christian I heard all the talk about God, I talked the talk of God, but I did not understand the voice of God.  My mind wanted to wrap around it all, but I did not know how to make it click.  If you remember from "Sitting In Silence" it was the saddest and loneliest moments that finally made me actually hear Him.  Prayer was the key to me hearing His voice.  Not the traditional say the same words over and over again so your voice is going through the motions but the conversation with God that was life changing.  My words were sincere and at that point I could finally hear God speak to me.  
     Sometimes we can hear God's voice through other people.  God will speak to us through many ways.  I have had so many times through His word.  Some people doubt actually hearing Him though.  One of the first times I actually heard Him was amazing.  Like many times I was driving down the road and talking to Him.  I was discussing a particular issue and said out loud, " But would if I do this and it doesn't go anywhere for me?"  Clear as day immediately I heard this, " It is not about you, it is about doing this for Me."  Wow I can tell you that got my attention.  Most of the time now he speaks to me about people.  He will put someone on my heart to pray for.  Let me give you some great advice though.  I hear God so much better when I focus on Him.  There is a song by Mercy Me called Word of God Speak.  Word of God Speak, Would you Pour Down Like Rain, Washing my eyes to See.  This song sums it up perfectly, His word pours on us to wipe our eyes so we can see more clearly.  Another song reference is, I once was blind but now I see.  Hearing his voice opens not only our eyes but our hearts as well.
      There is a battle going on.  Satan convinces people all the negative, all doubt and fear.  Our negative feelings are not from God, they do not glorify God in any way.  We will all have our moments when the wrong thoughts enter our mind, sometimes change our attitude even.  It is those times having a conversation with God and getting real is how we change those negatives into positives.  An old friend gave me advice a long time ago.  When I get those negative thoughts and hear satan trying to lie or convince me of something wrong then I just say, " Get on back satan, you have no power here!"  I might say it over and over again.  Satan does not like hearing voices rebuke him.  Do not give him any power over you.  Their is only one voice of truth!

Revelations 3:20  Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If any of you hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in ad eat with you.  And you will eat with me.

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