Friday, November 27, 2015

Think of it as Pure Joy!

     Considering the time of year it would seem thankfulness would be quite appropriate.  Every year people posting every day in November their thanks to this or that.  I have done this in years past and did opt out this year.  Not for a lack of thankfulness by any means.  Part of me this year felt it was a little cliche' I guess you could say.  Every year in February I am annoyed by Valentines Day.  My reasoning is simple, why is our society encouraging this "love" one day out of the year.  That being said why are we only thankful in November?
     Seems a lot of people like to feel sorry for themselves now.  Seems a lot of people want to dwell on the past.  Even seems a lot of people holding onto a lot of old grudges.  This baggage just weighs us down, it consumes us.  Recently one of my kids were coming to meet me.  She got in the car frustrated because she had been listening to an individual for a good hour or longer talking about the same thing they had been focused on for years.  All she said was "mom seriously when is so in so going to let this go and see what he has and stop dwelling on the past."  The unfortunate part is this person would not see what they are doing, likely even justify it.  There was a time I sat at home all day with very little adult interaction, had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring and I honestly felt very sorry for myself.  I was depressed and miserable and could not see any light at the time.
     If there is one thing I have learned over many years now it is everything is a choice.  Not feeling sorry for yourself is a choice.  Bad things happen to everyone, I promise they really do, but how we choose to handle ourselves is what defines us.  I wish everyone could work one day with people who are sick, mentally troubled and or dying (those who cannot control what is going on with themselves).  One day would transform anyone.  As I have stated in other writings this is what changed me.  That time was Gods gift to open my eyes or shall I say His suck it up little girl awakening.  Watching people battle real life problems, real sickness and the very real emotions of death changes everything about how you see the world and yourself.  Point being is some people cannot help what is wrong with them and then there are people who can, but choose to not focus on the good.  I know, I was one of them.
     Being thankful is about focusing on all the blessing in our life.  It is a choice to rise above our circumstances and head first take on one objection after another with the Almighty Hand.  This was a hard thing for me to grasp.  I am natural born worrier for sure.  Handing things over and focusing on the positive has taken a long time to get better at.  John 14:1 "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me."   See, we are told not to have troubled hearts so why do we?  
     Last year about this time I guess you could say was quite rough and I learned a valuable lesson.  To make a long story short I found a lump, it was quite large.  I went to doctor just to be on the safe side and even laughed telling him I knew I just needed to lay off the coffee.  He teased me a little then told me to let him decide even though I was probably right.  My doctor could see it without searching for it and he said he had to drain the fluid from it.  No big deal he said.  He stuck the needle in then he made a face, turned the needle and tried again.  I knew something was up because I could see it in his face.  The nurse left, I sat up and he sat down and proceeded to tell me I had to get a mammogram and that it should have drained.  He said I am not telling you it is cancer, but we have to get test to make sure.  The really bad news was that I had to wait two weeks to do the test since I had just had the needle inside.  He stood up to leave and put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze.  He has probably experienced that moment hundreds of times, but I had not and I can honestly say that moment will probably never leave my mind.  When I was fourteen this same doctor found a very large cyst that required a major operation to remove.  I never saw that look from him then, my mom probably did, but to be honest with you I was not really even sure how serious it was back then.  It was all I could do to make it to my car without falling apart.  Two weeks!  I had to wait two weeks to find out news that could potentially change my life.  I had no idea how I was going to survive those two weeks.  That day was my daughters birthday and I had a big dinner to go to that night, how was I going to keep it together.  The next few days were tough.  Two days after I was reading the scripture and I came across this.  James 1:2-4  "My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble.  When you do, think of it as pure joy.  Your faith will be put to the test.  You know that when that happens it will produce in you the strength to continue.  The strength to keep going must be allowed to finish its work.  Then you will be all you should be.  You will have everything you need."  When I read the part that said think of it as pure joy I let out a sarcastic laugh, then fortunately kept reading.  I realized this sucks and now I have to be strong through this!  Okay I said God everything seems so small now, all the dumb things I worry about, all the stresses I feel, all the bills I have to pay....all so insignificant.  The next day on that Friday morning I woke up crying and all I could think about was if I had to tell my kids I had cancer.  I reached for my phone, had not even put my feet on the floor yet.  My scripture that morning was this.  Jeremiah 29:11-13 "I know the plans I have for you," announces the Lord. " I want you to enjoy success.  I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.  Then you will call out to me.  You will come and pray to me.  And I will listen to you.  When you look for me with all your heart you will find me."  In two days God spoke to me so clearly.  While I had come so far with worry I had not totally learned to turn things over.  I realized no matter what God had a plan for me and if I let that situation defeat me before I even knew anything then I could not be productive for Him.  My heart became so thankful for everything all of the sudden.  All the little things were gone and everything I loved was so incredibly big.  How could anything else matter than that!  My heart was so full, so grateful and so very much at peace.  God's grace was with me and I am so thankful every single day.  
     All I can say is do not let the little things defeat you and allow God's grace to embrace you!  Just look around trust me you have so much more to be thankful for than you can possibly realize.  Who could ask for anything more.  Thank you Jesus, thank you so much for every trial, every smile and thank you for Your ultimate sacrifice to give us eternal life!  Amen.


1 comment:

  1. You have opened your heart and shared with us powerful and true reminders to "give thanks in all circumstances." Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my go-to verses in the challenges I face; I am thankful it was helpful to you in a frightening time, as well.
