Saturday, December 29, 2012

Where is your heart?

     It is not uncommon for people to talk about where their heart is.  Generally we hear, "Home is where the Heart is."  What does that mean exactly?  The common answer is family and friends and the things in our lives we love the most.  Right?  Well of course that is where our minds go. 

     This is my breakdown.  Our children and family is the ultimate importance in our lives.  Nearly everyone would agree and that would likely be every ones response.  So if our children are the most important or family then  why is it people do not act like it.  People work to have a nice house, cars and possessions and they generally say it is for their loved ones they work so hard for.  Ultimately, what good does any of that do for us when we take no time for the beings in our lives that are so important to us.  When my kids were little I would say what do you want to do?  Watch a movie and cuddle they would say.  So I would lay on the couch holding them and watch whatever show they picked out.  It was not the show that meant anything to them, but the cuddles and the fact that I made what they wanted to do a priority.  It was simple.  Dishes could wait, dusting would still be there and yet how common is it for parents to put aside just a few hours to cuddle.  Moms feel pulled so many directions trying to keep up with housework, running errands, bath, dinner and for some work also.  Dads get caught up with their jobs and climbing ladders.  Kids never forget their parents not being there for them just as they never forget when you were.  Give up some time and show your kids they are where your heart is.  Be motivated to show them the right way so one day they may do the same.

     Family may be a touchy subject.  Lets face it we all have a crazy family in some way.  Some may be over opinionated and some may be rarely available.  When it comes down to it family may be the only part of our lives that will always be there.  They don't have to be blood, but just share a bond.  Our parents, grandparents all pass at some point so make every moment count.  You may have a  in-law that rubs you the wrong way, that is either related to the person you choose to be with or maybe someone who one of your loved ones choose to be with.  Either way, they are family. Why put up with it if they are the difficult one?  Well, easy if you have kids think about keeping your family united for them.  Think about the lesson you show your kids by sticking by those people in your life despite whom you may not always agree with.  Family will be there for you no matter what and when it counts the most.  Through all your trials, sorrows, celebrations.  They love you unconditionally.  Teach your kids to love like that.  Never take one moment for granted, it is simple life can end so quickly with no notice.  Never think twice about remembering your family.  Family should always have a place in your heart.

     Everyone wants friends, needs for that matter.  It use to be I felt the need to have many and always had to be doing something with someone.  It was when I was in the deepest spot and needed them most that I found who was really there.  Very few.  Generally friendships are convenient for many people.  Maybe they go to our church, maybe they do not question our bad decisions.  However, now I find myself with friends in my life I rarely may see or talk to on a regular basis.  I can say whatever I need to say without judgment or criticism for slipping up.  They see me as human and love me regardless.  They stand by me no matter what.  Some let me pick them up at a moments notice just to drive around and unleash my madness!  There is something to be said of having someone in your life that shares a likeness and understanding to you.  At one time I had many of friends who always needed a babysitter without being appreciative or to borrow money or to let me listen to all their problems without stopping to consider anyone else.  Now I have a few.  God loving, God fearing, humble friends.  They might have a glass of wine and yes they might say something they shouldn't, but they are true through and through.  They have a piece of my heart for being who they are.

      Let's not forget about being in love.  Since I could make this an entire topic, I will keep it simple.  Being in love is one of the most beautiful gifts we could have.  I have failed at love and love has failed me.  I was not content with myself and you mix one mess with another and it is hard to create the potion of "true love" and all it offers.  How did I find this beautiful gift you probably wonder?  Well I have not but I had to start with me and figuring out who I was and being content.  The truth is I am a closet romantic at heart.  The idea of having someone to love and be loved back seems amazing.  I do not know who this man is yet, but at the same time I do in the ideal sense.  I know he will be true.  At one time I would have said real, but lets face it someone only seems real until they are not.  Being true is about being consistent, it is about not compromising who you are according to who you are with.  I know he will be kind at heart, which if you know me then you know I need someone to balance me out.  He will be a man that will not be afraid to speak up, to say how he feels even if it is uncomfortable, he will cherish me as I do him.  Oh and I will be the best version of myself with him.  I will not have to adjust who I am and always be accepted for being me. Most importantly he will be a man that will want to grow and be better all the time.  He will pray and have a desire for us to be on the same page.  I may not know him and that may be a sign of me daydreaming, but it may be just who God has in store for me.  My heart is already with him, even though I have no idea who that is yet.
     Most important piece of me is having Jesus living in my heart.  Having salvation is having hope.  There are many times I make a mess of things, bad attitude, thoughts or dealing with turning things over.  Our God is a forgiving God and accepting him is what allows everything else to fall in place.  It is about be conscious of things we were once unconscious of.  It is about cracking open a window blind and letting in the light.  It was a choice to let Jesus in my heart and I am thankful for his residence.

     This is what I have learned.  No matter where I live, how little I have or where my loved ones are, they are where my heart is.  Cliche as it may be, a part of me does not always feel whole without my children around, without talking to my parents on a regular basis or without remembering the ones I've lost over the years.  I have many homes; my house, my mothers, my fathers, the place my kids are and even where this future unknown man is.  Most importantly my church and where God is in my life. I do not have to be with them all the time or know what they are doing.  I just feel their presence inside of me.  I feel love when I think of each of them, I feel sadness or happiness right along with them.  No matter what, my heart is in many places.

  [Jesus Comforts His Disciples] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” John 14:1-3 NIV

      My heart has many rooms just as our Fathers house has many rooms.  Preparing my children to understand that is not only my job, but my pleasure so I will see them again one day.


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